Monday, 3 February 2014

                                                                              - Sujit Mukerji

Each one of us is endowed with certain potentials. Most such potentials remain unexploited or, at the best, under-exploited barring, of course, the very few cases of the more fortunate ones amongst us. The latent potentials never see the light of the day and the cause for that is attributed to lack of enough motivation.
Motivation means that external or internal stimulus that stirs up one’s interests to such an extent that one sets forth on one’s journey of accomplishments.
External motivation can come from factors like power and pelf: material achievements in terms of position, power, money and wealth etc. that is, everything that adds to one’s socio-economic status. It could also be the betterment of some near and dear ones as also the desire to please or oblige someone. The list can go on.
Internal motivation comes from the element of satisfaction that one derives from anything. It is actually this that matters because if one does not feel the satisfaction then why at all should one go about doing anything? It could even be spiritual pursuits.
The strong minded can draw the required motivation from within. Such a one knows that how we feel depends on how we choose to think. Strength of will is the key element in such cases. However, the weaker ones depend on others to stimulate them. In fact, some need counseling too.
One can derive motivation from all kinds of external stimuli which is a fairly common factor. On the other hand, one can also feel strongly motivated in pursuing the paths of duty for, apparently, no personal gain. This is not to say that one gains nothing from such pursuits. There is always the element of satisfaction which is the only motivating factor in life.
All accomplishments are faster with proper motivation. This can best be understood by observing a growing child. Learning is noticeably fast if there is proper motivation. Otherwise, it is retarded. Success motivates one for further attempts and it is a virtuous cycle. Failure, on the contrary, slackens the will to succeed in many cases and it becomes a vicious cycle. Motivation, therefore, is just another word for a positive approach.

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