Sunday 16 February 2014

53. Most of us often have the tendency to see things from our own standpoints. We forget that only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. We also forget that we need a mirror to look at our own selves. Again, we need to remember that our position is always with respect to someone or something else. All our actions- or, inactions- will have a definite bearing not only just on our own selves but also on others. We simply have no right to think of our own selves in isolation.
- Sujit Mukerji

52. Information is knowledge. Knowledge is realized with experience. This realized knowledge is wisdom. For example, a child is informed that the fire can burn. The child can only know how it feels to get burnt if and when it has the actual experience. With experience, it actually knows. It is wise on this count.
- Sujit Mukerji

51. The first outcome of the ‘Sagar Manthan’ was poison. So, we should not get carried away by the first results.

50. Growing old is natural but growing up is optional.
People who agree with us help us feel better but those who don’t, help us grow.
The moment we think of giving up any relationship, we should think of the reason why we held it so long.
Getting upset will not help but getting ‘up’ to ‘set’ things right will help.

49. (BANGLA) Samne dekhlam ek ‘bikolango’;
Bhablam, sudhu sei? Aar amra?
Kono na kono rokum e sobi to tai!
Tobay tai to projyolito hoi baki ongo- protyongo!
Ektu bhablei to hoi bhai …
(We refer to certain people as ‘handicapped’ whereas, each and every one of us is so in one way or the other. However, as the cliché goes -- when one door closes, others open; likewise, when one of the faculties is absent, our other faculties become more pronounced.)
- Sujit Mukerji

48. Five men looked out of their windows.
One saw nothing.
One saw the mud below.
One saw the goings-on in front.
One saw the stars above.
One saw everything.
Who was right?

47. Positive words help make one’s day,
That too in a special way,
Or else, each day is like every day,
With boredom for ever to stay …
To make life funny it’s not always the money,
But one with a will strong enough,
Is surely to live however tough …
He will strive and strive,
But he will live, not just survive …
- Sujit Mukerji

46. It’s worth the while to smile and let smile …
Take things as life’s part or topple your cart!
So, for all out there I always pray -
Woes be out of your way,
Brilliance be with sun’s every ray,
And worries remain at bay,
Joyful be your every day,
Wherever you live or stay,
Be blessed by God you may …
- Sujit Mukerji

45. Apna uchit kabhi na dekha,
Sirf dusro k liye kheenchi rekha,
Sambandhon me aye sudhar,
Agar iss par kare vichar …
(Our ties would be better if we look for our own mistakes rather than those of the others.)
- Sujit Mukerji

44. In reply to a good wish,
I thank but at times have to say:
This day is like every day,
I am tired in every way,
Taking refuge in dreamland stay,
Seeking Hope’s elusive ray,
However, for you I wish the same way,
As you for me always pray,
Lifting my morale in a special way …

- Sujit Mukerji

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