Thursday 20 February 2014

58. Revelation?
– Sujit Mukerji
Whatever comes your way,
In it be firm to stay;
Whatever you lose in the fray,
Don’t lose heart, try all the way
And be happy night and day …
Take lessons from the Nature,
To rise in your stature …
An example of the rose
Can rid you of your woes …
If the input is right,
The plant looks bright;
It grows its thorns
As though full of scorns
And stands straight
When it thinks it’s great
But it finally blossoms
… And bows …
As now it knows it’s great!
Thorns are for safety
For risks are hefty
Flowering shows the trust
 The love, not the thrust …
The mountain teaches a lot
Like the head shouldn’t be hot!
The grass says its share
That to all be fair!
The eucalyptus stands tall
Not just to appal!
Stand tall despite the blow
Or be soft though so ‘low’!
The river finds its route
Through hurdles so brute!
Creatures continue their toil
Putting up a front so brave
 They live in the soil
Which is also their grave …

57. Every heart has a tale to tell …
But God had planned it so well!
He kept the heart below the mind
So, peace in life we can manage to find;
And mind above the heart
So, we can think of a fresh start!
The mind can be the best of friends,
When we foresee the trends;
And the worst of foes,
When we fall prey to woes …
- Sujit Mukerji

56. The more I grow,
The more I know that there is a lot more to know …
Then I was a big fish in a small pond;
And now I am a small one in an ocean …
- Sujit Mukerji

55. (MODIFYING #42)
If we were/are right, then why did/do we feel bad?
- Sujit Mukerji

54. Happiness is only an Interval
(which gets over automatically)
 between Two Miseries;
 Misery is the Gap
 (which needs to be bridged)
 between Two Moments of Happiness …

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