Actual possession of property gives a person the prescriptive right to
199. No outside force can break a
team if the bond is strong enough.
- Sujit Mukerji
198. Jealously – like all negativities
– means inability i.e. failure, and admitting it!
- Sujit Mukerji
197. None preaches better than the ant and she says nothing.
- Benjamin Franklin
196. The eyes see all, but the mind shows us what we want to
- Shankaracharya
195. Giving too much money in a child’s hands seems to be the
‘in’ thing nowadays. The explanation is that this serves to create a zest in
the child’s life which, in turn, promotes his eagerness for betterment.
Economics says, create a need which acts as a motivation for growth. But, moral
science advocates satisfaction. Complacency would thwart economic growth.
Conceded. It would, however, promote the growth of peace. Wouldn’t it be wise
to strike a balance somewhere? Urge for growth could be treated as a game so as
not to affect the state of mind adversely. But, is the child taught that?
- Sujit Mukerji
194. We try to make others understand whereas most often, if
not always, we need to make ourselves understand.
- Sujit Mukerji
Even an ocean can
not equal the life-saving droplet of water.
- Sujit Mukerji
192. Nothing surprises me! Everything is so natural!! All we
have to do is to remember everything, understand the nature, the logic, the
psychology etc. and nothing will seem out of place.
- Sujit Mukerji
191. It is a real tragedy when the children do not feel free to
discuss everything, particularly their personal issues, with their
parents/guardians. This often has serious consequences leading even to the
youngster’s heartbreak(s), personality disorder(s), taking wrong choices,
getting into problems etc. For this, only the parents/guardians can be held
responsible. From the very beginning, the attitude or approach of the parents/guardians
should be such that the child feels totally uninhibited, comfortable and
confident to interact with them. This should be from the very beginning because
if it is not so, a kind of mental block sets in and it becomes very difficult
for the child and the parents/guardians to be relaxed with each other on every
- Sujit Mukerji
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