Wednesday, 31 December 2014

490. The ship has to decide its course regardless of the wind’s direction.
- Sujit Mukerji

489. Deal with the faults of others as gently as your own.

488. It is easier to criticize than to do better.

487. One should speak little with others and much with oneself.

486. Even a fish wouldn't get into trouble if it kept its mouth shut.

485. Common sense is genius dressed in its working clothes.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

484. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost. Now put the foundations under them.
-         Henry David Thoreau

483. Put a silk on a goat and it is still a goat.

482. Wisdom is of times nearer when we stoop than when we soar.
- William Wordsworth

481. A blind person who sees is better than a seeing person who is blind.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

480. Even the sun’s worshippers look away during its eclipse. Others admire it!
- Sujit Mukerji

479. It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.
- W Edwards Deming

478. The prudent embark when the sea is calm - the rash when the sea is stormy.
- Maori

477. Eggs have no business dancing with stones.
- Haitian

476. Sleeping people can't fall down.

475. Make your ego porous. Will is of little importance. Fame is nothing. Openness is everything.
-         Rainer Maria Rilke

474. Great good nature without prudence is a great misfortune.
- Ben Franklin

473. Beware the person with nothing to lose.

472. Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion.

471. When the moon is full, it begins to wane.

Sunday, 14 December 2014

470. If someone hurts me, I will not take revenge because it could be unintentional. Even if it is on purpose, it will mean such is his nature which, obviously, will not change and he is bound to be so with others too. Naturally, one day he will be paid back with the same coin by someone else so inclined. So, why should I waste my time and energy and soil my hands?
- Sujit Mukerji

469. Measure a thousand times; cut once.

468. Beware of the fury of a patient man.
- John Dryden

467. He that scatters thorns, let him not go barefoot.
-Ben Franklin

466. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

465. When you are finished changing, you are finished
- Benjamin Franklin

464. Whoever has a tail of straw should not get too close to the fire.

463. The eagle was killed with an arrow made with its own feathers.

462. A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a moulder of consensus.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, 7 December 2014


Dear Readers,
It's 2000+ Total Pageviews.
Thanks a lot for your kind encouragement ...
Looking forward for your continued involvement and support ...
Best Wishes …
Warm Regards …
Sujit Mukerji

Friday, 5 December 2014

460. Those of us who are able to optimally use our resources turn out to be smarter than the others.
- Sujit Mukerji

459. Easy does it.
- T. Taylor

458. Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it.

457. The anger of the prudent never shows.

456. Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head.

455. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you, you have to win it.
-         Ralph Waldo Emerson

454. You never know what lies right around the corner.

453. It's an ill wind that blows no good.
- John Heywood

452. The leopard does not change his spots.
– William Shakespeare

451. Little leaks sink the ship.
- Ben Franklin

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

450. One sees nothing, the second sees what comes to the fore while the third also sees what is beyond and reads between the lines too … who is the smart one?
- Sujit Mukerji

- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

One of the great freedom fighters, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birthday – Oct 31 – has been declared as ‘Unity Day’ from this year. ‘Unity’ is such a short word, so easy to spell, and this word is used so often, but who is really united? Everybody seems to care about his/her own desires and go against everybody else. One is too keen to fulfill one’s own wishes even at the cost of sacrificing the feeling of unity. In such an era like this, it has really been a great step to declare a day, that too such a great day (a luminary’s birthday) as National Unity Day.
Now, it is time for me to relive this Unity Day which we celebrated in our school. We had the heaven-sent opportunity to be able to spread the   message of unity. We rallied around the school trying to spread the message of unity. Some were holding placards, others were just walking. We were really united that day. Everyone seemed to have the same kind of emotions. We rallied around and came back to the school campus hoping that our efforts had been fruitful. We spent the rest of the time in the school engaged in certain other activities such as collage making etc. That was indeed a very great day. I don’t know about anyone else but, at least, I understood the importance of unity.
It would be so good if everyone remains united forever. One thing is assured that if everyone is united, no power can cause any disturbance however mighty that power may be. That is to say, no power is mightier than unity itself. It would indeed be very good if we do not treat this unity as a utopian concept but see it happening. It would be so good to see everyone stand, walk or run for unity. If we are united, our progress will be much easier and faster and we will come out from the dark dungeons of our lives, thereby ensuring a more blissful state.
Surely, “united we stand and divided we fall”. Everyone seems so busy in falling and getting up that there is no time left to stand. But the day is bound to come when ‘unity’ shall be shouted in a united manner.

448. Nothing, even the most appealing, can be perfect.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

447. The second word makes the quarrel.

446. Keep no more cats than will catch mice.
- J. Dare

445. Come what may, time and hour runs through the roughest day.
- William Shakespeare

444. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.
- John Philpot Curran

443. Fish don't get caught in deep water.
- Malay

442. Pleasing ware is half sold.
- George Herbert

441. I have always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.
-         John D Rockefeller

Thursday, 20 November 2014

440. A resolutely conscientious would go out of his way to ensure justice to all.
- Sujit Mukerji

439. Only a fool has to be told everything (yet, perhaps, to no/not much avail).
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

438. Only a fool tests the water with both feet.

437. The fewer the words the shorter the quarrel.

436. If you buy what you don't need, you steal from yourself.

435. Anger is a short madness.
- Horace

434. Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.
- William Butler Yeats

433. If you call one wolf, you invite the pack.

432. One who steals has no right to complain if he is robbed.
- Aesop

431. A man should never be ashamed to admit that he is in the wrong – which is but saying in other words that – “He is wiser today than yesterday”.
- Jonathan Swift

Friday, 7 November 2014

430. We forget that people may be of the same or more or less IQ level and that makes things more difficult.
- Sujit Mukerji

429. As the sun's shadow shifts, so there is no permanence on earth.

428. At high tide, fish eat ants; at low tide, ants eat fish.

427. Better the devil you know than the one you don't.
- R. Taverner

426. Be ever vigilant but never suspicious.

425. The honey is sweet but the bee has a sting.
- Ben Franklin

424. If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow.

423. The greatest remedy for anger is delay.

422. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
-         Aristotle

421. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

Monday, 27 October 2014

420. Tap even a stone bridge before crossing it.

419. Dilemmas and delays prove rather costly at times. Procrastination is an evil to be kept a bay.
- Sujit Mukerji

418. The hardest person to awaken is the person already awake.
- Tagalog

417. The crab that walks too far, falls into the pot.
- Haitian

416. Never reveal the bottom of your purse or the depth of your mind.

415. Hear reason or she will make you feel her.
- Ben Franklin

414. Fine feathers don't make fine birds.
- Aesop

413. A watched pot never boils.

412. The frog enjoys itself in water but not in hot water.

411. Medicine left in the container can't help.
- Yoruba

Friday, 17 October 2014

410. Kisi k liye jeenay me hi to maza h,
Aisa karne se hi yeh baat samajh me ati h;
Apne liye hi jeena to sirf ek saza h,
Aisa karne se to vo baat samajh se paray h …

(Living for others makes life worthy and satisfying, one has to do so to realize it; Living for the self is only a punishment: on doing so, one cannot realize the worth of life …)
- Sujit Mukerji

409. … Depressed patients pay more attention to negative things in their environment than healthy people … Some drugs used in treating depression increase the action of the neurochemical serotonin, or ‘the happiness molecule’, in the brain … Such treatments make them pay more attention to positive things, leading to better mood over time …
Thought processes could lead people into a positive and calm mood … Meditation alters activity of neurons in different parts of the brain and can cause long term changes in the brain. Altered activity of neurons implies that the release of different neurochemicals is being altered …
Bright light also acts on both the serotonin and dopamine systems in humans … Depression in the winter, when days are short, can be treated by exposure to bright light early in the morning. … Running increases serotonin … It can help treat clinical depression, that may be due in whole or in part to release of endorphins (neurochemicals that have an action similar to opiates but without the addictive properties).
In addition to factors such as bright light, exercise and meditation, another important factor that is associated with better mood is having a larger social circle … Serotonin can influence social behaviour in humans, with increased serotonin sometimes increasing agreeableness and decreasing quarrelsomeness …
- Dr. Simon N Young (Professor, McGill University, Montreal, in an interview with Subodh Varma, published in the Times Of India, dated Oct. 13, 2014.)

408. Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.
- J.K. Rowling

407. Red sky at night,
Shepherd’s delight;
Red sky in the morning,
Shepherd take warning.

406. Out of vulnerabilities will come your strength.
-         Sigmund Freud

405. Anger is one letter short of danger.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

404. Beware of the door with too many keys.

403. Any plan is bad that cannot be changed.

402. Nothing remains constant except change itself.

401. Sticks and stones are hard on bones,
Aimed with angry art …
Words can sting like anything,
But silence breaks the heart …

Sunday, 12 October 2014

400. In today’s mad race for progress, man seems to be left with no time for himself. He doesn’t seem to know exactly what he is losing until it is too late and nothing remains to be done. What then should be of utmost priority to him? To pause after every little while to see just where he is heading. One should always stop to think if there is something one is standing to lose in any bargain. One should keep reminding oneself of the differences between selfishness and what one ought to do. Selfishness is how one would feel temporarily, while the path that we ought to take is the one that ensures the ultimate welfare of everybody. For instance, how does an average student feel when asked to study? Selfishness prompts him to run away from his prime duty – studying – and seek comfort or other diversions that makes him feel good. Temporarily. But the ultimate result would obviously be harmful not just for the student but for all concerned. So, selfishness is aimed at temporary feeling of well-being at the cost of ultimate welfare of not just the one who is selfish but also of all those attached to him. Contrary to this, if one takes the path one ought to take, then, maybe, one has to endure certain things and even make sacrifices. But the ultimate result would be good.
- Sujit Mukerji

399. To meet, to know,
And then to part –
Is the saddest fate
Of human heart …

398. A tree falls the way it leans.
- Walloon

397. Life is like the moon: now full, now dark.

396. I don’t think anyone should see them (children) as pitiable subjects … People often relate childish behaviour to stupidity or foolishness. This mindset needs to change. I want to level the playing field where I can learn from the children … (e.g.) transparency. They are innocent, straightforward, and have no biases. I relate children to simplicity …
- Kailash Satyarthi, Nobel laureate (Ref: #343, #334)

395. Depend on your walking stick; not on other people.

394. Be careful what you ask for; you may get it.

393. A horse may run quickly but it cannot escape its tail.

392. A guilty conscience needs no accuser.

391. Exaggeration is truth that has lost its temper.
-Kahlil Gibran

Monday, 6 October 2014

390. Only the weak can be harmed. So, we should increase our strength in every way rather than waste our time and energy in blaming.
- Sujit Mukerji

389. Depend on others and you will go hungry.

388. Ill weeds grow fast.
- John Heywood

387. He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious.
-         Sun Tzu

386. If you would get ahead, be a bridge.
- Welsh

385. Ambition is a good servant but a bad master.

384. Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.
- Aesop

383. Ambition begets vexations.
- Singhalese

382. The only way to control chaos and complexity is to give up some of that control.
- Gyan Nagpal

381. One seed sown can grow up into a tree with many branches and fruits. Similarly, one small action can lead to scores of consequent events.
- Sujit Mukerji

Sunday, 28 September 2014

380. A relationship is like a thin sheet of glass. Even a small scratch stays for ever to tell the tale.
- Sujit Mukerji

379. Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble.
- Ben Franklin

378. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
-  Dale Carnegie

377. Vessels large may venture more but little boats should keep near shore. 
- Ben Franklin

376. Seek advice but use your own common sense.
- Yiddish

375. Make haste slowly.
- Suetonius

374. When one person opens up the path to growth and development; two, three and more people will follow.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

373. It is easy to advise the wise.
- Serbian

372. Do good to thy friend to keep him, to thy enemy to gain him.
- Ben Franklin

371. Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.
- William Shakespeare

Monday, 22 September 2014

370. The realization of the impracticality of certain things helps in staying away from controversies.
- Sujit Mukerji

369. He gains wisdom in a happy way, who gains it by another’s experience.
- Platus

368. Some read to think – These are rare.
Some read to write – These are common.
Some read to talk – These form the great majority.
- Charles Dickens

367. Advice after crime is like medicine after death.

366. Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.

365. Necessity never made a good bargain.
-Ben Franklin

364. The closest, nearest, and dearest place to commune with “TRUTH” is within ourselves.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

363. Even a machine needs a free play. Too many rules thwart growth.
- Sujit Mukerji

362. Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do, doesn't mean it's useless.
- Thomas Edison

361. If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
- Abraham Maslow

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

360. There should be controlled freedom. But there is, at times, either control or freedom.
- Sujit Mukerji

359. Everyone is born and brought up in different sets of circumstances and so, we should learn to respect the differences.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

358. Every adversity carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit.
- Napolean Hill

357. There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person seeks to solve the problem.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

356. Anyone can stand adversity but to test a person's character, give them power.      
- Abraham Lincoln

355. A stumble is not a fall.
- Haitian

354. A growing child is, at times, taught to believe that its belongings are the best in a bid to make it happy and satisfied. However, there are occasions when, unfortunately, this child goes around telling other children, of about its age, that their possessions are of inferior standards. Isn’t it the adult’s responsibility to make sure that no child, his own or other’s, should ever develop any kind of complex, particularly because of him?
- Sujit Mukerji

353. Criticizing can not always be justified. After all, there are times when a person doesn’t have any choice.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji
352. The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

351. Nothing is easy to the unwilling.
- Gaelic

Sunday, 31 August 2014

350. A child sees an elder panicking and raising a hue and cry, it learns to do the same thing and with that kind of learning he grows.
- Sujit Mukerji

349. Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.
- Isaac Newton

348.  Great minds have purposes, others have wishes.
Washington Irving

347. Deeds are fruits; words are leaves.

346. The only time when we are rendered powerless is when we give up and decide for ourselves that we can not go on.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

345. Falsehood is cowardice. Truthfulness needs courage.
- Sujit Mukerji

344. Appearances are deceptive, we know. Yet, we tend to be influenced by appearances!
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

343. Kids find enjoyment in small things. They do not harbour grudge nor do they nurture vengeance for long. They do not take much time to forget their sorrows. Yet, they learn their lessons and move on … Why do such things become difficult on growing up, generally speaking?
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

342. Lack of focus, we know, delays success. Yet, there are instances when in an attempt to explain certain things, there is a tendency to drift away from the core issue and the thrust is lost.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

341. Do not be like the cat who wanted a fish but was afraid to get his paws wet.     
– William Shakespeare

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

340. Shouldn’t we think both before and after we act?
- Sujit Mukerji

339. When all religions advocate only the good things, why does it become so necessary for some of us to disagree – at times, so violently – with each other in the name of religion?
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

338. We were told that God helps those who help themselves and work is worship … I’ve realized this … So, what amuses me is the increase in the crowds at the places of worship at the commencement of examinations and when the results are due …
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

337. A word of wisdom is respected by the wise and ridiculed by the fool.

336. Let the body and mind be continuously at work to such a degree that the labour may not be felt at all.
- Swami Vivekananda

335. Life is simple. We complicate it.

334. Kids quarrel, even fight … but then they also forgive, forget and become friends again … Isn’t that wonderful? We, adults, are supposed to be more capable than kids but aren’t there things, as cited above, to be learnt from them?
- Sujit Mukerji

333. A friend is a rare book of which but only one copy is made.

332. We can not believe in God until we believe in ourselves.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

331. We are so quick to reprove, oblivious of the fact that we could well be inviting reprisals. Why do we always forget that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction? Newton’s third law is kept limited to physics!
- Sujit Mukerji

Saturday, 9 August 2014

330. Things keep happening all around us. If we care to notice, observe, learn, analyze, understand, remember, recognize, know and be prudent why would we go wrong?
- Sujit Mukerji

329. The uncontrolled heart following the dictates of the moving passion, snatches away our spiritual knowledge.

328. The secret of life is not enjoyment but education through experience.
- Swami Vivekananda

327. You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know.
- René Daumal

326. The book-binder may be totally illiterate yet, how wonderfully he binds the book. He can do so because he doesn’t take things for granted. In contrast, we take each other and so many other factors for granted …
- Sujit Mukerji

325. Instead of standing on the shore and proving to ourselves that the ocean cannot carry us, let us venture on its water just to see.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

324. Real winners do not compete.
- Samuli Puronen

323. A joyous spirit is the driving force for new endeavours, development, victory, happiness.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

322. Some of us even earn their “enemies’” genuine love and respect. Isn’t that wonderful?
- Sujit Mukerji

- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

Freedom of expression means the freedom for such expressions that don’t harm. No one has the right or justification to express anything that can be bad or harmful in any way. As it is known; well-timed, proper, complete and desirable expression is what is recommended. We often take this freedom of expression for granted. There surely is a limit to everything and there is also a special and unique way of doing things. Our Constitution gives the freedom to express only such things that won’t prove to be harmful.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

320. When I think of life as a burden, I suffer it; when I think of it as a game, I enjoy it.
- Sujit Mukerji

(… then I couldn’t have dared to write this …!)
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

I was wondering what would happen if someone was gifted with the special power of reading exactly the goings-on in the others’ minds. Various interesting scenes came to my mind. The queerest one was people coming to blows with each other without most of them, barring the specially powered ones, knowing why. Obviously, certain people were harboring ill-will against certain other people. Unfortunately, while one could read minds, the others couldn’t. But, they had to hit back anyway …
Another image that comes to my mind is of a man reading the minds of everybody – say, dozens of people – around; all at once; and his mind goes berserk!
I am thankful that we don’t have that special power because it would not have been good for us to read others’ minds so easily and, as a result, act in such a way as to make a total chaos of life. Maybe, not being able to read others’ minds so easily makes us learn. Learn to distinguish between true and fake using one’s intelligence and act accordingly, more maturely. It is really amazing that we and everything for us has been planned so well …

318. Some of the greatest accomplishments were made because of the failure in other accomplishments … Often, the best comes out when the worst is around e.g., “The sweetest songs are those that tell of the saddest themes” …
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

317. Sorrow inspires us to work and work alone can regulate and develop one’s life and powers. If a man is not constrained to struggle from time to time, can he be so striving, intelligent, wise and educated as now? Thus, sorrow is the means to advancement and perfection. Moreover, sorrow softens the heart, humbles pride, stimulates daring and courage, augments sympathy and leads to faith in religion. So, it may, at the outset, appear undesirable, its after-effect is good.
- Flint

316. The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character integrity, faith, love and loyalty.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

315. So much misery is out there. In comparison, my problems are nothing.
- Sujit Mukerji

314. The good and bad experiences that are not because of our own doings (or not doings) may be taken as opportunities for us to test ourselves whether we have learnt to deal with life efficiently.
- Sujit Mukerji

313. Blaming means the self has no role which means helplessness which means weakness. But, owning responsibility means can do something which means hope.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

312. Blaming means the self has no role … The situation to blame means the self has a definite role …
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji