Monday 27 October 2014

420. Tap even a stone bridge before crossing it.

419. Dilemmas and delays prove rather costly at times. Procrastination is an evil to be kept a bay.
- Sujit Mukerji

418. The hardest person to awaken is the person already awake.
- Tagalog

417. The crab that walks too far, falls into the pot.
- Haitian

416. Never reveal the bottom of your purse or the depth of your mind.

415. Hear reason or she will make you feel her.
- Ben Franklin

414. Fine feathers don't make fine birds.
- Aesop

413. A watched pot never boils.

412. The frog enjoys itself in water but not in hot water.

411. Medicine left in the container can't help.
- Yoruba

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