Wednesday 10 September 2014

360. There should be controlled freedom. But there is, at times, either control or freedom.
- Sujit Mukerji

359. Everyone is born and brought up in different sets of circumstances and so, we should learn to respect the differences.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

358. Every adversity carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit.
- Napolean Hill

357. There is a great difference between worry and concern. A worried person sees a problem, and a concerned person seeks to solve the problem.
- contributed by Dr. Ashok Tahiliani

356. Anyone can stand adversity but to test a person's character, give them power.      
- Abraham Lincoln

355. A stumble is not a fall.
- Haitian

354. A growing child is, at times, taught to believe that its belongings are the best in a bid to make it happy and satisfied. However, there are occasions when, unfortunately, this child goes around telling other children, of about its age, that their possessions are of inferior standards. Isn’t it the adult’s responsibility to make sure that no child, his own or other’s, should ever develop any kind of complex, particularly because of him?
- Sujit Mukerji

353. Criticizing can not always be justified. After all, there are times when a person doesn’t have any choice.
- daughter, Josheca Mukerji
352. The reward of a thing well done, is to have done it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

351. Nothing is easy to the unwilling.
- Gaelic

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