Friday, 4 April 2014

134. No one is perfect, everyone understands that. So, none can teach any one to be perfect.
- Sujit Mukerji

133. Ever since our earliest days, we are taught the various do’s and don’ts. In fact, more don’ts than do’s!
- Sujit Mukerji

132. Isn’t it ironic that, at times, we have a tendency, even consciously, to ignore an approach that could keep us away from negative eventualities?
- Sujit Mukerji

131. Money makes the mare go. Money has also been described as a necessary evil as nothing can be procured without money. On one side, it is the root cause of many evils. It can even ruin our life. On the other side, it can make our life so much better. In other words, it can either make or break our life. It is upon us whether we want to have it in our control or let it destroy us. Acquiring money is so difficult. With all-round developments, many things are becoming necessary. We should use money to meet our needs and stop it from promoting greed. We must, however, ensure that what we describe as our need can be justified in every way.

-- daughter, Josheca Mukerji

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