Sunday, 27 March 2016

940.  What we think, see and hear may be by chance; but what we say, do or the path we take is our choice. That matters.
- Sujit Mukerji

939.In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
- Abraham Lincoln

938. Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
- Marcus Aurelius

937. If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun.
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

936. Education beats the beauty and the youth.
- Chanakya

935. A duck seems to glide smoothly on water while it is paddling furiously underneath the surface. So, one doesn’t need to show that one is working hard. Or, the hard work before the success is hardly noticed.

934. If you keep your feathers well oiled the water of criticism will run off as from a duck's back.
- Ellen Swallow Richards

933. Only two kinds of people can attain self-knowledge: those who are not encumbered at all with learning, that is to say, whose minds are not over-crowded with thoughts borrowed from others; and those who, after studying all the scriptures and sciences, have come to realize that they know nothing.
-  Ramakrishna

932. Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.
- Aesop

931. Tyranny and anarchy are never far apart.
- Jeremy Bentham

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

930. Do not be suspicious. Just be open-minded. Anything is possible.
- Sujit Mukerji

929. Understand that each crisis in life contains an opportunity, and look for it!
Don McArt

928. To find someone who will love you through success and failure is to discover how little life has to do with either.
- Robert Brault

927. The toothpaste ain’t going back in the tube. The tide has turned.
- John Ridley

926. Self-assurance is contemptible and fatal unless it is self-knowledge.
- George Santayana

925. Nothing reduces the odds against you like ignoring them.
- Robert Brault

924. The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard.
- William Hazlitt

923. Two things are infinite, the universe and the human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.
- Albert Einstein

922. Everyone wants to be accepted by a world that is unacceptable.

921. Every big problem was at one time a wee disturbance.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

920. Ego and sentiment are obstacles in the way to success.
- Sujit Mukerji

919. Formal education will earn you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.

918. (Think of oneself as a teakettle.) Though up to its neck in hot water, it continues to sing.

917. Most people rust out due to lack of challenge. Few people rust out due to overuse.

916. It is easy to bring others down to your level, instead of bringing yourself up to their level.

915. Not all those who wonder are lost.

914.  Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough.

913. Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing.

912. Ask not how far I must walk, instead say I will walk as far as needed

911. Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.
- Stephen King